Probably the most common approach to plant safety has been “accident prevention”. Although this approach is necessary it is not sufficient. This strict accident approach must be combined with “safety management system”. *Please see Company Health and Safety Action Plan attached

Note: Accident Prevention requires unlimited information about unsafe conditions and practices and the means of counteracting them.

Safety Management System needs unlimited information about individual, social, economic and technological factors that affect the magnitude and occurrence of hazards and their control. Furthermore, safety in any given situation requires the knowledge and utilization or both. Therefore, all safety and Health and safety matters must be approached on these two fronts via accident prevention and safety management system.

To carry out this approach management must have an action approach management must have an action plan.

A policy is essentially a plan for management action.

Policies are those principles and rules of action which guide an organization to be the achievement of its objectives with due regard for its business ideals.

The same sort of mistake that cause injuries and illness can also lead to property damage and interrupt production, so you must aim to control all accidental loss. Identifying hazards and assessing risks, deciding what precautions are needed, putting them in place and checking they are used, protect people, and improves quality and safeguards plant and production.

Your safety and health policy should influence all your activities, including the selection of peopie, equipment and materials.

PRD Security Services is committed to meeting its customer’s requirements and expectation through sustained competitiveness and responsiveness, as the effectiveness of our quality management system, is continually improved.

PRD Security Services has established documented, implemented, and will maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Utilizing this quality management system, PRD intends to follow a path of continual improvement. All employees and suppliers are required to follow the procedures outlined in PRD quality management system documentation.

PRD Security Services is committed to providing a work place that positively impacts the environment, the health, and the safety of all employees and the communities surrounding our operations. We pledg¢ to adhere to all health, environmental, and safety standards and requirements.

Our goals are Zero Tolerance on all Health, Safety, and Environmental parameters. (No Accidents! No Harm to People! No Damage to the Environment).

Also, the organization commits to the achievement of the following fundamental objectives:
» Inclusion of HSEQ issues into planning and decision-making activities.
» Establish and maintain Management Systems that comply with the ISO 9001:2000.
» Conscientiously work to comply with relevant environmental, health and safety legislations and regulations.
» Continually improved its HSEQ System by regularly setting and reviewing measurable objectives,
» Encourage employees to commitment to the HSEQ initiative by making HSEQ participation and compliance one dimension of the Performance Management System,

Therefore, all individuals are responsible for HSEQ performance

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